Vehicle Drug Testing: How Long Does Drug Residue Last in a Car?

Car theft in Canada is one of the most common police reports filed. Alberta comes in second with over 23,535 reports in 2019.

As hazardous cleaning professionals, we always emphasize the importance of vehicle drug testing after a stolen car is recovered. Even if the police were able to provide some detail regarding the criminal activity your car was used for, there is no way to confirm whether drugs were present without conducting a drug test.

One of the common questions we also get from clients when it comes to vehicle drug testing is “How long does drug residue last in a car?”. Let’s get started on answering that question for you and providing you with a more in-depth look into vehicle drug testing.

How Long Does Drug Residue Last in a Car?

This question is extremely important regarding the safety of your vehicle after it has been stolen and recovered. Truthfully, it is hard to provide you with a definitive answer. However, there have been cases in the past that show that methamphetamine residue does not degrade over time.

In 2002, a drug lab inside a California vacation home was discovered and seized by authorities. As a result, the house was red-tagged, boarded up and drug levels were assessed by a third-party consultant. At the time, the actual homeowners did not have the funds to get the place professionally cleaned, so it remained boarded up for 8 years. In 2011, it was discovered that the drug residue had not degraded overtime when it was tested again.

Although this case took place in a home, the significant takeaway should be that drug residue lasts a long time on surfaces. If your car was stolen and used to transport drugs, it is very likely that residue was left behind, fallen into crevices, or embedded in the fabric. Without proper cleaning services, the residue could remain, which poses a great risk to your health and safety.

Drug Testing Your Vehicle After a Theft & Recovery

Drug testing your vehicle after it has been stolen and recovered is crucial to protecting you and your family. As we know, stolen cars are a commonly reported crime. According to the Calgary Police Services, reasons for car theft in Calgary include:

  • Thieves steal cars to get from one destination to another and then abandon it
  • Stolen cars are used for other crimes such as robberies or drugs transportation
  • Stolen cars may be altered and sold to unsuspecting consumers
  • Thieves may have a similar car and want a part to repair damage or upgrade another vehicle

Local authorities work hard to recover stolen vehicles, however, danger does not end when you get your car back. In many cases, even though the vehicle has been recovered it may be hard to say what criminal activity it was used for. Even if the physical damage is not visible, it’s important to still have your car inspected before driving it again.

Illicit and dangerous substances may have been placed in the car and even the slightest amount of residue can be fatal.

Professional Vehicle Decontamination With Mayken™

It’s not the police department’s job to clean every car they recover, which is where a hazardous cleaning company like Mayken™ Hazmat Solution comes in.

Any type of drug present in a vehicle creates a risk of exposure for all passengers. Vehicle decontamination remedies this and allows you to safely drive your car again.

Our Hazardous Detailing Process

At Mayken™ Hazmat Solutions, we have a thorough process for vehicle drug testing and decontamination. Before our team gets started with our hazardous detailing process we conduct a vehicle drug test.

Our experienced hazmat cleaners are trained and certified to conduct a proper and thorough drug test. Our drug testing process includes looking for weapons, sharps, bodily fluids, leftover drugs that may have fallen into crevices or embedded in fabrics, and other drug paraphernalia.

Once all the substances have been identified, our team can begin our hazardous detailing process. Vehicle decontamination includes removing all items, sanitizing surfaces, and eliminating the presence of drugs, fluids, and more.

Cleaning procedures involve rigorous and extensive techniques that are proven to leave your vehicle spotless. Disassembly of certain components of the car or removal of the seats may be required for our team to be as thorough as possible. Our vehicle decontamination process will return your car to a state that is as new as possible so that you can drive your car again safely.

If you have any questions about vehicle drug testing or decontamination in Calgary, get in touch with our team!

Has your vehicle been stolen and recovered? Request a vehicle drug test here.

Mayken TM

Mayken Hazmat Solutions has provided Calgary and Western Canada with high-quality hazmat services since 2006. As a registered hazardous waste carrier with the Alberta government, we can handle a wide range of situations and environments. Whether cleaning up hoarding cases, contaminations, chemical spills or crime scenes, we can take care of overwhelming situations for you. Reach out to the experienced hazmat company by calling us 403-272-1995.

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