Humidity loving mold is not something to take lightly. Stores sell various “miracle” sprays that will clean up small amounts of mold, but when dealing with larger problem areas, it is best to call in a professional. They will test and remove problematic mold spores for you, but do you know how to prepare for mold removal? Before reaching for the scrub brush and bleach, here are 7 tips to prepare for professional mold removal
- Resist the urge to clean the surface mold. Lab testing and trained professionals identify mold by specific traits. Many of the identity clues are found just on the surface, so wiping them away will make identifying more difficult.
- Ask for an air quality sample. Having your air sample will tell what specific strains of mold are causing the problem. Inhaling mold spores is unhealthy for certain individuals. Knowing what spores are airborne is important to reduce any health concerns.
- Don’t move anything from an affected area. Even if that clock is a priceless family heirloom, it’s best to keep things just where they are until the professionals arrive. Moving things around will spread the spores and cause a bigger problem.
- Wash contaminated clothing in hot water and detergent. Washing delicate items in bleach is a good way to destroy them. Instead, opt for hot water and your normal laundry detergent. After washing and drying, place the item in a seal-able plastic bag to prevent further contamination.
- Find a place for your pets to stay. A home being treated for mold is no place for a loved animal to stay. Fortunately, there are many pet day-cares and sitters available that would love the chance to pamper your pets.
- Take pictures of the inside and outside of your home. This is an important step. Even professionals make mistakes occasionally. These pictures will serve as documentation should there be any damage caused during the removal process. Mold removal teams are very careful and respectful, but have pictures is a good safe guard.
- Find you and your family another place to crash. If it’s not safe for Fido, it’s not safe for people. Book a stay in a nearby hotel and enjoy a miniature vacation, or go visit the relatives you haven’t seen since the holidays.
Hiring a professional like us to handle the mold removal process is a smart move. Being prepared for the ordeal is even smarter. Contact us today!