Fentanyl Awareness Seminars

Sharing Fentanyl Remediation Expertise

With the growing health concern and risk involved with the toxic substance of fentanyl and other illicit drugs, we have shifted our focus and now specialize in Illicit Fentanyl Decontamination and Neutralization. We are now the leading experts in Fentanyl drug lab remediation in Canada, having successfully remediated numerous Fentanyl labs, including the largest lab in Canadian history. With that being said, our reason for doing customized presentations is to share our experience and knowledge and avoid anyone from becoming a victim.

To date, we have shared our experience by customizing presentations to organizations who wish to become more aware of the potential dangers. If you believe you could benefit from this, please call 403-272-1995. We are in the process of scheduling presentations and would like to accommodate all your members wanting to attend.

Learn how to protect you, your employees, your family, your property, and your vehicles

Information is 100% unique to our Presentations

Each presentation can be customized for you and your team members. Some topics to choose from are as follows:

Fentanyl Video Series

What you don't know can harm you. The six-part video series "Fentanyl - What You Need Know" introduces you to the world of fentanyl covering the topics:

What is Fentanyl


What to look for


Protecting yourself

Inside a Fentanyl Lab

Display of naloxone kit contents

Here are some recent comments of presentation attendees:

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Fentanyl Awareness Seminars Gallery

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