Fentanyl Awareness

It seems no matter where you turn Fentanyl is in the news. Whether it’s a drug bust, a crime, a fentanyl overdose or simply the dangers of Fentanyl it’s omnipresent.

To help keep you educated and aware of the ongoing fentanyl crisis we’ve compiled fentanyl related stories from the news.

As Mayken™ Hazmat is a leader in the cleanup and remediation of Fentanyl labs as well as property and vehicle decontamination, we are often involved directly in these stories as one of the first groups on site to contain the dangers.

Mayken TM

Mayken Hazmat Solutions has provided Calgary and Western Canada with high-quality hazmat services since 2006. As a registered hazardous waste carrier with the Alberta government, we can handle a wide range of situations and environments. Whether cleaning up hoarding cases, contaminations, chemical spills or crime scenes, we can take care of overwhelming situations for you. Reach out to the experienced hazmat company by calling us 403-272-1995.

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