Mold Removal Helps Improve Your Health

Mould Removal

For millions of years, mold has existed. They’re fungi that live in hundreds of thousands of places from in the air to places in homes. Its growth is encouraged by warm and humid conditions, such as basements, cellars, and bathroom showers.

Mold in the home is something that should be addressed immediately. Some people are sensitive to molds, which can cause nasal stuffiness, eye irritations, wheezing, or skin irritations. Others who suffer from a chronic lung illness are prone to develop infections in the lungs if they are continuously exposed.  Recent studies have linked early mold exposure to the development of asthma in children, particularly those susceptible to asthma development.

Suffering from sinus-like allergies at home, and only at home, is an indication of possible mold infection.

If you are suspicious of mold growth in your home or have recurrent respiratory issues, consulting a professional about inspection and removal is more than a good idea. It is not always visible, but trained professionals can perform air quality tests and evaluate your home for potential mold inhibitions that could be causing you and your family illnesses by locating the cause of the water infiltration, and will rebuild and restore your mold-infested area to like-new quality.

Mold is an unwelcome visitor that can potentially make you and your family ill. If you suspect your home has a problem, call us today to get your family and your home back on the road to health, comfort, and happiness.

Mayken TM

Mayken Hazmat Solutions has provided Calgary and Western Canada with high-quality hazmat services since 2006. As a registered hazardous waste carrier with the Alberta government, we can handle a wide range of situations and environments. Whether cleaning up hoarding cases, contaminations, chemical spills or crime scenes, we can take care of overwhelming situations for you. Reach out to the experienced hazmat company by calling us 403-272-1995.

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